The ugly truth about being pregnant

So I haven’t decided whether I am writing this for my best friend Hilmarie (who is making me an aunt for the first time woohoo) or for my own pleasure.

This post may not be for the male followers either LOL


In all reality this is my first time being pregnant and I had certain perceptions of what to expect (mainly from movies and TV). I thought it was this beautiful, painless process that only got ugly during labor. WELL was I wrong. I will agree it is a beautiful experience that I will cherish forever from hearing my daughters heartbeat for the first time, to the kicks, to the cravings, and even the weird things like lactating for the first time. But there’s a crap load of stuff that nobody can prepare you for such as:

  • Constipation (Oh the joys)
  • Throwing up (for me I had it really bad; every one is different)
  • No lunch meat (who the heck made this rule up??? I’ve cheated a few times)
  • Gas (Billie is so over this lol I truly feel bad… Just blame it on the baby I promise it works)
  • Burping (I have literally burped more within the last few weeks then in my entire life)
  • Not being able to see your vajayjay (I was warned about this one but I sort of didn’t believe it lol BUT its true)
  • Trouble putting on clothes (especially socks… Hopefully my next pregnancy is during the warmer months where I can just wear flip flops and stuff)
  • Trouble getting up in bed (I literally grab anything with some type of stability to it to help me get up, most of the time its Billie; pulling his shirt, his arm, his sweats, the sheets, I’ve done it all lol)
  • Getting up to pee (I pee at least 50 times a day and no I’m not kidding… Not sure if that’s normal or its due to my daughters kidney issues)
  • You might pee on yourself when you cough, sneeze, laugh (or if your like me when Amelia jumps on my bladder lmao)
  • Unstable emotions (I can cry on cue… Don’t worry you will learn to abuse this one haha)
  • and LAST but not least because its my current issue LAYING ON YOUR LEFT SIDE (Oh the left butt cheek cramps and the Charlie horses are NUTS)

I’m sure I can go on and on and I didn’t even touch the obvious ones like heart burn and nasty prenatal vitamins but I’m sure you get the point…

PS. It will all be worth it when I see Amelia’s little face and get to kiss her all up…. I will most likely forget all of the above until my next pregnancy 😉

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